This is the old man... nope this isn't a mug shot, we are going to show you a before and after profile for a new version of a familiar product Just for men.
Just for men has been around a while I remember it in the 70's and it worked but it was greasy and it kept on getting darker and darker. There was no variance, grey to dark that was it. Rick tried Just For Men a couple years ago and it made his mustache way too dark so he gave up and just went gray. But I know there tics a bruised heart because who wants to look old when they feel so young?
When I told him that I had volunteered him to try this new product his words were...oh great. But then it arrived and we opened the package. The last kit we bought he had to mix the stuff in a little tray and then comb it in with a little brush he didn't really like doing that too much so his first remark was NO TRAY! The kit comes with the tube of color, the application tip, gloves and instructions. My husband kicked me out of the bathroom and went to work. When he was done he came out and the difference was noticeable. He no longer had the gray peaking out around his ears and his mustache looked darker but natural. Okay he is not the Clark Gable rugged and sexy type he is my comfortable old Ricky that is developing his daddys jowls and I love him. He said that this new formula of Just For Men was way easier to use then the previous formula and he was happy that it did not turn his white hair into something so dark that people stared. When he went to work today he said people said things like, you look different what did you do? Or you look happy today you must be having a great day! Ricks rating was all positives he is happy that the sample we received is full sized and that he will be able to use it for a while before having to buy more. He said for anyone that is wanting a more youthful appearance with out the fuss of a beauty shop or trying your wife's hair dye this is the answer for you. Just For Men Autostop comes in light brown , medium brown dark brown, real black and jet black!
Just For Men wants to give one of my readers a full set of their product to enter all you have to do is click the enter EASY entry. The rest are optional do one or do them all that's up to you!
Disclaimer: I did receive a sample of this product so we could try it and review it. However,
receiving it for free and the promise of being able to give a set away for free did not alter my review in anyway. I would never promote something I did not like, all opinions are my own.
One of my favorite memories is holding my children for the first time.